Shop Films and Educational Series

This unique programming profiles individuals who have encountered war, racism, genocide, poverty, disease, child abuse, teen pregnancy and turned to entrepreneurship to control their destinies. Refusing to fall victim to circumstance, our heroes rose from the ashes through a unique mix of needing to survive, desire to leave a legacy and a yearning to do good in their communities.

Profiled are a diverse group; Native Americans, African Americans, Latinos,
Jews, Asians, Women, Veterans and Bedouins.

Educational Series

Trauma to Triumph - An Entrepreneurial Educational Learning Series

Produced 2021 - Delivered in 33 Modules
running 5-8 minutes each

An educational series influenced by the documentaries, with 10 entrepreneurial journeys. There are 33 different video modules running five to eight minutes in length and designed for classroom or virtual learning. Provided is an instructor’s manual with guidance on integrating the videos into your course. All video chapters include recommended discussion questions.

Each short story is followed by step by step guidance on the startup process through growth strategies. The programming also includes; historical, psychological, cultural and career content.

Institutional Streaming Prices

Cost for 1 year’s usage – $299.00.

2 years – $399.00

Unlimited time – $499.00  


Survivors of War

Produced 2021 – 55 Minutes

They experienced Battle, PTSD, Genocide, and family loss. A Native American Marine and Holocaust Survivor refuse to fall victim to adversity and take the path of controlling their destinies.

Institutional Streaming Prices

1 Year –  $125.00

2 Years – $199.00

Unlimited – $250.00

Women Entrepreneurs

Produced 2021 – 55 Minutes

A diverse group of women who experienced life’s harshest trials; Racism, Disease, Poverty, War, Child Abuse and emerged through the spirit of entrepreneurship. It demonstrates the power of refusing to fall victim to their life’s challenges and emerged to prosperity through the power of entrepreneurship.

Institutional Streaming Prices

1 Year –  $125.00

2 Years – $199.00

Unlimited – $250.00